There is a fundamental transformation that is taking place on the web around information composition through mashups. We first describe this transformation and then assert that this will also affect enterprise architectures. Currently the state-of-the-art in enterprises around information composition is federation and other integration technologies. These scale well, and are well worth the upfront investment for enterprise class, long-lived applications. However, there are many information composition tasks that are not currently well served by these architectures. The needs of Situational Applications (i.e. applications that come together for solving some immediate business problems) are one such set of tasks. Augmenting structured data with unstructured information is another such task. Our hypothesis is that a new class of integration technologies will emerge to serve these tasks, and we call it an enterprise information mashup fabric. In the talk, we discuss the information management primitives that are needed for this fabric, the various options that exist for implementation, and pose several, currently unanswered, research questions. 1980's did. Is there a way to build an information mashup layer that will allow a clean separation for these applications? This will help us build situational applications in the enterprise more quickly, complementing the more robust and scalable integration technologies that the enterprises have been investing in. · There is an emerging trend called situational applications where applications are constructed "on the fly" for some transient need. Eventually, such an application either outlives its usefulness, or migrates to the IT department. These applications need data (such as presentations, emails, spreadsheets etc.) that are either not covered by traditional Enterprise Information Integration (EII) architectures, or it will take unacceptably long for the IT department to provide them. Our information mashup layer serves this need. Furthermore, because the information that is the basis for these applications is more personalized, it is often more incomplete and inaccurate compared to IT supported data. Therefore information augmentation through simple means is critical. For example, I might have a spreadsheet that lists only the first names of my employees. I understand what that column means but how does one work with it to join it with some other information? In this case, the constructor of the application can easily specify the semantics of some attributes, and thus say that the full name can be obtained by joining with the IT provided employee directory on first names. We believe that such application specified augmentation is generally possible in these class of tasks. A critical task for mashups is information standardization such as geocoding. There are many such services available on the web and sometimes the IT department provides these. Many enterprise information tasks benefit from external third party data sources. A great example of this would be the combination of machine-based tagging of documents (using techniques such as those available through IBM's Unstructured Information Management Architecture, or UIMA, ( with external, social networking such as While data providers have long provided SOAP and other WebServices interfaces to access them, a lot of the mashups are happening around simpler paradigms of REST ( and RSS and ATOM feeds. A central thesis of ours is that the mashup fabric is best built around these emerging primitives.