Services Mashups: The New Generation of Web Applications

Benslimane, D; Dustdar, S; Sheth, A
Benslimane, D
Dustdar, S
Sheth, A
Internet Computing, IEEE
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Services Mashups
The New Generation of Web Applications


he Internet and related tech nologies have created an inter connected world in which we can exchange information easily, process tasks collaboratively, and form commu nities among users with similar inter ests to achieve efficiency and improve performance. Web services are emerg ing as a major technology for deploying automated interactions between distrib uted and heterogeneous applications, and for connecting business processes, which might span companies' bound aries.1 Various standards support this deployment, including, for enterpris es, the Web Services Description Lan guage (WSDL), UDDI, and SOAP. These standards support the definition of Web services and their advertisement to the potential user community, binding for invocation purposes, and reuse. At the same time, use of "lighterweight" ap proaches to services, especially for Web applications, is increasing. Here, the Web APIs and RESTful (Representa tional State Transfer) reign supreme.

Service Mashups

Recently, in the context of the Web,

the mashup concept has emerged, and researchers have developed a huge number of Web 2.0 applications. But what exactly does mashup mean? It simply indicates a way to create new Web applications by combining exist ing Web resources utilizing data and Web APIs. Mashups are about informa tion sharing and aggregation to support content publishing for a new generation of Web applications. By extension, serv ice mashups -- the theme of this special issue -- aim to design and develop nov el and modern Web applications based on easytoaccomplish enduser service compositions. Combining Web service technologies with fresh content, col laborative approaches (such as Web 2.0 technologies, tags, and microformats), and possibly Web data management and semantic technologies (RSS, RDFa, Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages, and the Sparql Protocol and RDF Query Language) is an exciting challenge for both aca demic and industrial researchers build ing a new generation of Webbased applications. Researchers have created different mashup tools and platforms,
1089-7801/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Djamal Benslimane Lyon University Schahram Dustdar Vienna University of Technology Amit Sheth Wright State University

Published by the IEEE Computer Society

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