Del Fabro, M. D.; Bezivin, J.; Valduriez, P.
Del Fabro, M
Bezivin, J
Valduriez, P
ODBASE 2006, LNCS 4275, Nov. 2006, 863-881
Interoperability of heterogeneous data sources has been extensively
studied in data integration applications. However, the increasing number of
tools that produce data with very different formats, such as bug tracking,
version control, etc., produces many different kinds of semantic heterogeneities.
These semantic heterogeneities can be expressed as mappings between the tools
metadata which describe the data manipulated by the tools. However, the
semantics of complex mappings (n:1, 1:m and n:m relationships) is hard to
support. These mappings are usually directly coded in executable
transformations using arithmetic expressions. And there is no mechanism to
create and reuse complex mappings. In this paper we propose a novel approach
to capture different kinds of complex mappings using correspondence models.
The main advantage is to use high level specifications for the correspondence
models that enable representing different kinds of mappings. The
correspondence models may be used to automatically produce executable
transformations. To validate our approach, we provide an experimentation with
a real world scenario using bug tracking tools.