Udrea, O; Getoor, L; Miller, R
Udrea, O
Getoor, L
Miller, R.
There is a great deal of research on ontology integration which makes use of rich logical constraints to reason about the structural and logical alignment of ontologies. There is also considerable work on matching data instances from heterogeneous schema or ontologies. However, little work exploits the fact that ontologies include both data and structure. We aim to close this gap by presenting a new algorithm (ILIADS) that tightly integrates both data matching and logical reasoning to achieve better matching of ontologies. We evaluate our algorithm on a set of 30 pairs of OWL Lite ontologies with the schema and data matchings found by human reviewers. We compare against two systems - the ontology matching tool FCA-merge [28] and the schema matching tool COMA++ [1]. ILIADS shows an average improvement of 25% in quality over FCA-merge and a 11% improvement in recall over COMA++.