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8 results


Evolution Support in Large-Scale Interoperable Systems: a Metadata Driven Approach

... N Jones, A Gray, W ... cost and effort required for maintaining the federation in a consistent state after its launch. If only human intervention is to be ...

Publication - cat - 04/17/2013 - 10:05 - 0 comments - 0 attachments

Change Management for a Temporal Versioned Object-Oriented Database

... 1 - 9 In this paper, we propose a schema versioning mechanism to manage the schema evolution in temporal ...

Publication - cat - 04/16/2013 - 04:38 - 0 comments - 0 attachments

Engineering for Conceptual Schema Flexibility

... enough to accommodate future changes. This paper presents a comparative review of a dozen current engineering approaches as to which mechanisms they employ to ...

Publication - cat - 04/16/2013 - 03:38 - 0 comments - 0 attachments

ROVER: A Framework for the Evolution of Relationships

... Claypool, K.T.; Rundensteiner, E.A.; Heineman, G.T. Author:  ... propose comprehensive support for relationship evolution. A complete schema evolution facility for any OODB system must provide (1) ...

Publication - cat - 04/16/2013 - 02:49 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

Supporting database evolution: Using ontologies matching

... 1 - 9 In this paper, we propose a methodology for managing database evolutions by exploiting two ontologies. The first ontology describes the changes occurring in a database application. The second one aims at characterizing techniques and ...

Publication - cat - 04/16/2013 - 02:38 - 0 comments - 0 attachments

Dealing with Version Pertinence to Design an Efficient Schema Evolution Framework

... This paper addresses the design of a schema evo- lution framework enabling an efficient management of object ... we provide operations for immediate refreshing of a database to enable an ef- ficient manipulation of versions by a large ...

Publication - cat - 04/16/2013 - 01:38 - 0 comments - 0 attachments

Version Propagation in Federated Database Systems

... based on federated database technology, are, among others, a means to control the integrity of and dependencies between product data ... these applications support the management of versions of a product and its parts, continuing the engineers' tradition of keeping ...

Publication - cat - 04/16/2013 - 01:27 - 0 comments - 0 attachments

A Procedural Approach to Schema Evolution

... updates can cause problems. In this paper, we present a procedure which safely adds a fact type to a conceptual schema. This procedure, as well as being used for ...

Publication - cat - 04/15/2013 - 21:38 - 0 comments - 1 attachment