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7 results


Laconic Schema Mappings: Computing the Core with SQL Queries

... 234.28 KB A schema mapping is a declarative specification of the relationship between instances of a source schema and a target schema. The data exchange (or data translation) ...

Publication - hartung - 04/17/2013 - 12:16 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

PRIMA: Archiving and Querying Historical Data with Evolving Schemas

... Moon, Hyun J.; Curino, Carlo A.; MyungWon, Ham; Zaniolo, Carlo ... schema version in which they firstly appeared, leading to a perfect archival quality, but to a taxing query interface. The PRIMA ...

Publication - krlis1337 - 04/17/2013 - 07:27 - 0 comments - 0 attachments

HAMSTER: Using Search Clicklogs for Schema and Taxonomy Matching

... Nandi, A; Bernstein, P Author:  Nandi, A Bernstein, P ...

Publication - hartung - 04/17/2013 - 07:16 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

On complementary and independent mappings on databases

... Keller, A.M.; Ullman, J.D. Author:  Keller, A Ullman, J ...

Publication - huliganka - 04/16/2013 - 05:49 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

Normalization and Optimization of Schema Mappings

... notably in data integration and data exchange. However, a concrete theory of schema mapping optimization including the formulation of ... of this work is to fill this gap. We start by presenting a system of rewrite rules to minimize sets of source-to-target tuple-generating ...

Publication - hartung - 04/16/2013 - 00:27 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

A Gauss Function Based Approach for Unbalanced Ontology Matching

... correspondences between two ontologies, has played a key role in data exchange, data integration and metadata management. Among ... to find the matches between an ontology describing a local domain knowledge and another ontology covering the information over ...

Publication - hartung - 04/15/2013 - 23:49 - 0 comments - 1 attachment

Inverting Schema Mappings: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice

... as one of the fundamental operators for the development of a general framework for metadata management. In fact, during the last years ... include features that are difficult to use in practice. A typical example is the use of disjunction in the conclusion of the mapping ...

Publication - hartung - 04/15/2013 - 23:38 - 0 comments - 1 attachment