Search: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, a, Sch. Matching/Mapping, 2010, 10 - 49
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query: INSERT INTO watchdog
(uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp)
(0, 'faceted_search', '%text.', 'a:1:{s:5:\"%text\";s:77:\"0 0 0 0 0 0 a taxonomy:30 field_year:2010 field_citations_range:\" 10 - 49\"\";}', 5, '<a href=\"/se/pubs/results/0%200%200%200%200%200%20a%20taxonomy%3A30%20field_year%3A2010%20field_citations_range%3A%22%20%20%20%2010%20-%2049%22\" class=\"active\">results</a>', '', '', '', 1735201834) in /home/pubs/htdocs_pubs/modules/dblog/dblog.module on line 146.
6 results
- On Matching Large Life Science Ontologies in Parallel
Gross, A; Hartung, M; Kirsten, T; Rahm, E
Gross, A
Hartung, M
... obtaining high quality mappings makes ontology matching a resource- and time-intensive process. To improve performance we investigate ...
Publication - hartung - 07/26/2016 - 16:40 - 0 comments - 0 attachments
- Structural characterizations of schema-mapping languages
... 11.7 KB
Information integration is a key challenge faced by all major organizations, business and governmental ... formalisms and are chosen with two criteria in mind: (a) expressive power sufficient to specify interesting data interoperability ...
Publication - cat - 04/17/2013 - 11:16 - 0 comments - 1 attachment
- UFOme: An ontology mapping system with strategy prediction capabilities
... have systematically investigated the requirements of a mapping system both from the functional (i.e., the features that are ... exploiting comprehensive mapping systems. It is based on a library of mapping modules implementing functions such as discovering ... called UFOme, assists users during the various phases of a mapping task execution by providing a user friendly ontology mapping ...
Publication - cat - 04/17/2013 - 08:16 - 0 comments - 0 attachments
- Measuring the Quality of an Integrated Schema
... 421.77 KB
Schema integration is a central task for data integration. Over the years, many tools have been ... schemas. These metrics have been implemented as part of a benchmark for evaluating schema matching tools. We finally report experiments ...
Publication - cat - 04/16/2013 - 12:27 - 0 comments - 1 attachment
- Rewrite Techniques for Performance Optimization of Schema Matching Processes
... 468.55 KB
A recurring manual task in data integration, ontology alignment or model ... level of matching processes.
In this paper we introduce a novel rewrite-based optimization technique that is generally applicable to ... in query optimization.
In addition we introduce a modeling tool and recommendation system for rewriting matching processes. ...
Publication - cat - 04/16/2013 - 06:38 - 0 comments - 1 attachment
- Schema Covering: a Step Towards Enabling Reuse in Information Integration
Clarkson, K.A.
... schemas. Defining transformations between schemas
is a key objective in information integration. However, this
process often ...
Publication - cat - 04/15/2013 - 23:16 - 0 comments - 1 attachment