Cleve, Anthony.; Hainaut, Jean-Luc; Co-transformations in Database Applications Evolution |
2006 |
Dec07 |
Su, X; Gulla, JA An information retrieval approach to ontology mapping |
2006 |
Apr10 |
Massmann, S.; Engmann, D.; Rahm, E. COMA++: Results for the Ontology Alignment Contest OAEI 2006 |
2006 |
May07 |
Liang, Y; Alani, H; Dupplaw, D.; Shadbolt, N Changing Ontology Breaks the Queries |
2006 |
Aug07 |
Deutsch, A.; Popa, L.; Tannen, V. Query reformulation with constraints |
2006 |
Mar07 |
Khaled, H.; Benharkat, N.A.; Amghar, Y. Refinement of Correspondences in EXSMAL for XML Document Transformation |
2006 |
Dec06 |
Roth, M; Hernandez, MA; Coulthard, P; Yan, L; Popa, L; Ho, H.C.; Salter, C.C. XML mapping technology: Making connections in an XML-centric world |
2006 |
Sep06 |
Wu, W.; Doan, A.; Yu, C. WebIQ: Learning from the Web to Match Query Interfaces on the Deep Web |
2006 |
May06 |
Manakanatas, D; Plexousakis, D A tool for semi-automated semantic schema mapping: Design and ... |
2006 |
Apr10 |
Dragut, E; Wu, W; Sistla, P; Yu, C; Meng, W Merging source query interfaces on web databases |
2006 |
Apr10 |