Search: Model Management, Bernstein, P

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15 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Bernstein, P.A.
Applying Model Management to Classical Meta Data Problems
2003 502 Oct05
Melnik, S.; Rahm, E.; Bernstein, P.A.
Rondo: A Programming Platform for Generic Model Management
2003 343 Oct05
Bernstein, P.A.; Levy, A.Y.; Pottinger, R.A.
A Vision for Management of Complex Models
2000 325 Sep06
Bernstein, Philip A.; Pottinger, Rachel A.
Merging Models Based on Given Correspondences
2003 266 May06
Bernstein, P.A.; Melnik, S.
Model management 2.0: manipulating richer mappings
2007 227 Jul07
Bernstein, P.A.; Rahm, E.
Data Warehouse Scenarios for Model Management
2000 131 Oct05
Melnik, S.; Bernstein, P.; Halevy, A.; Rahm, E.
Supporting Executable Mappings in Model Management
2005 95 May06
Bernstein, P.A.; Melnik, S.; Nash, A.
Composition of Mappings Given by Embedded Dependencies
2005 87 Sep06
Bernstein, P.A.; Green, T.J.; Melnik, S.; Nash, A.
Implementing Mapping Composition
2006 73 Sep06
Atzeni, P; Cappellari, P; Bernstein, PA
Model-Independent Schema and Data Translation
2006 60 Sep06
Pottinger, R; Bernstein, PA
Schema merging and mapping creation for relational sources
2008 40 Jan09
Melnik, Sergey; Rahm, Erhard; Bernstein, Philip A.
Developing Metadata-Intensive Applications with Rondo
2003 37 May06
Gubanov, M.N.; Bernstein, P.A.; Moshchuk, A.
Model Management Engine for Data Integration with Reverse-Engineering Support
2008 4 Jan10
Bernstein, PA; Melnik, S; Mork, P
Interactive schema translation with instance-level mappings
2005 1 Sep06
Alagic, S.; Bernstein, P.A.
A Model Theory for Generic Schema Management
2001 Sep06