Shvaiko, P; Euzenat, J Ten challenges for ontology matching |
2008 |
211 |
Oct09 |
Hu, W; Qu, Y Falcon-AO: A practical ontology matching system |
2008 |
93 |
Mar10 |
Hu, Wei; Qu, Yuzhong; Cheng, Gong Matching large ontologies: A divide-and-conquer approach |
2008 |
88 |
Feb09 |
Noy, NF; Griffith, N; Musen, MA Collecting community-based mappings in an ontology repository |
2008 |
40 |
Sep09 |
Eckert, K; Meilicke, C; Stuckenschmidt, H Improving Ontology Matching Using Meta-level Learning |
2008 |
32 |
Apr10 |
Curino, Carlo A.; Orsi, Giorgio; Tanca, Letizia X-SOM: A Flexible Ontology Mapper |
2008 |
20 |
Sep08 |
Schopman, B; Wang, S; Schlobach, S Deriving concept mappings through instance mappings |
2008 |
16 |
Apr10 |
Curino, Carlo A.; Orsi, Giorgio; Tanca, Letizia X-SOM: Ontology Mapping and Inconsistency Resolution |
2008 |
9 |
Sep08 |
Curino, Carlo A.; Tanca, Letizia; Zaniolo, Carlo Information Systems Integration and Evolution: Ontologies at Rescue |
2008 |
5 |
Sep08 |
Ikeda, R; Zhao, K; Garcia-Molina, H Matching hierarchies using shared objects |
2008 |
1 |
Sep09 |