We present a parallel data processor centered around a
programming model of so called Parallelization Contracts
(PACTs) and the scalable parallel execution engine Nephele
[18]. The PACT programming model is a generalization of
the well-known map/reduce programming model, extending
it with further second-order functions, as well as with Output
Contracts that give guarantees about the behavior of a func-
tion. We describe methods to transform a PACT program
into a data flow for Nephele, which executes its sequential
building blocks in parallel and deals with communication,
In recent years Cloud Computing has emerged as a promis-
ing new approach for ad-hoc parallel data processing. Major
cloud computing companies have started to integrate frame-
works for parallel data processing in their product portfolio,
making it easy for customers to access these services and to
deploy their programs. However, the processing frameworks
which are currently used stem from the field of cluster com-
puting and disregard the particular nature of a cloud. As a
result, the allocated compute resources may be inadequate