
Results 1 - 50 of 220


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Nelder, J.A.; Mead, R.
A simplex method for function minimization
1965 16651 Sep06
Kohavi, R.; John, G.H.
Wrappers for Feature Subset Selection
1997 4115 Sep06
Fellegi, I.P.; Sunter, A.B.
A Theory for Record Linkage
1969 1444 Oct06
Navarro, G
A guided tour to approximate string matching
2001 1369 May07
Cohen, WW; Ravikumar, P; Fienberg, SE
A comparison of string distance metrics for name-matching tasks
2003 1091 Sep06
Elmagarmid, Ahmed; Ipeirotis, Panagiotis; Verykios, Vassilios
Duplicate Record Detection: A Survey
2007 785 Oct06
Rahm, Erhard; Do, Hong Hai
Data Cleaning: Problems and Current Approaches
2000 778 Aug06
Hernandez, M.A.; Stolfo, S.J.
The merge/purge problem for large databases
1995 751 Sep06
Winkler, W.E.
The state of record linkage and current research problems
1999 634 Oct06
Hernandez, MA; Stolfo, S.
Real-world Data is Dirty: Data Cleansing and The Merge/Purge Problem
1998 604 Sep06
Bilenko, M; Mooney, RJ
Adaptive duplicate detection using learnable string similarity measures
2003 573 Sep06
McCallum, A; Nigam, K; Ungar, LH
Efficient clustering of high-dimensional data sets with application to reference matching
2000 550 Apr07
Ristad, ES; Yianilos, PN; Inc, M.T.; Princeton, NJ
Learning string-edit distance
1998 498 Oct06
Monge, A.; Elkan, C.
The field matching problem: Algorithms and applications
1996 443 Oct06
Cohen, WW
Integration of heterogeneous databases without common domains using queries based on textual similarity
1998 438 Sep06
Gravano, L.; Ipeirotis, P.G.; Jagadish, H.V.; Koudas, N.; Muthukrishnan, S.; Srivastava, D.
Approximate string joins in a database (almost) for free
2001 411 Oct06
Dong, X.; Halevy, A.; Madhavan, J.
Reference reconciliation in complex information spaces
2005 380 Sep06
Chaudhuri, S.; Ganjam, K.; Ganti, V.; Motwani, R.
Robust and efficient fuzzy match for online data cleaning
2003 378 Sep06
Monge, A.E.; Elkan, C.
An efficient domain-independent algorithm for detecting approximately duplicate database records
1997 364 Oct06
Bilenko, M; Mooney, R; Cohen, W; P Ravikumar, S
Adaptive name matching in information integration
2003 339 Nov07
Guarino, N; Welty, CA
An overview of OntoClean
2009 337 Jul11
Ananthakrishna, R; Chaudhuri, S; Ganti, V
Eliminating fuzzy duplicates in data warehouses
2002 334 Sep06
Galhardas, H; Florescu, D; Shasha, D; Simon, E; Saita, C.
Declarative data cleaning: Language, model, and algorithms
2001 323 Sep06
Mann, GS; Yarowsky, D
Unsupervised Personal Name Disambiguation
2003 283 Apr07
Cohen, William; Richman, Jacob
Learning to match and cluster large high-dimensional data sets for data integration
2002 274 Oct06
Pasula, H; Marthi, B; Milch, B; Russell, S; Shpitser, I
Identity uncertainty and citation matching
2003 267 Apr07
Hjaltason, G.R.; Samet, H.
Incremental distance join algorithms for spatial databases
1998 250 Oct06
Naumann, F; Leser, U; Freytag, J
Quality-driven Integration of Heterogeneous Information Systems
1999 246 Sep06
Bhattacharya, I.; Getoor, L.;
Collective Entity Resolution in Relational Data
2007 238 Apr07
Tejada, S; Knoblock, CA; Minton, S
Learning object identification rules for information integration
2001 219 May08
Tejada, S
Learning Object Identification Rules for Information Integration
2002 219 Oct06
Bitton, D.; DeWitt, D.J.
Duplicate record elimination in large data files
1983 208 Oct06
Han, H; Giles, L; Zha, H; Li, C; Tsioutsiouliklis, K
Two supervised learning approaches for name disambiguation in author citations
2004 203 Feb09
Baxter, R; Christen, P; Churches, T
A comparison of fast blocking methods for record linkage
2003 203 Apr07
Tejada, S; Knoblock, CA; Minton, S
Learning domain-independent string transformation weights for high accuracy object identification
2002 202 Sep06
Chaudhuri, S.; Ganti, V.; Kaushik, R.
A Primitive Operator for Similarity Joins in Data Cleaning
2006 201 Oct06
Winkler, W.E.
Advanced methods for record linkage
1994 196 Oct06
Cohen, W.W.
Data integration using similarity joins and a word-based information representation language
2000 195 Oct06
Bleiholder, J; Naumann, F
Data fusion
2008 185 Mar09
Galhardas, H; Florescu, D; Shasha, D; Simon, E
AJAX: an extensible data cleaning tool
2000 175 Sep06
Cohen, W.W.; Hirsh, H.
Joins that generalize: text classification using Whirl
1998 161 Sep06
Jin, L.; Li, C.; Mehrotra, S.
Efficient record linkage in large data sets
2003 154 Oct06
Volz, J; Bizer, C; Gaedke, M; Kobilarov, G
Silk - a link discovery framework for the web of data
2009 151 May10
Lee, M.L.; Ling, T.W.; Low, W.L.
IntelliClean: a knowledge-based intelligent data cleaner
2000 149 Oct06
Bhattacharya, I.; Getoor, L.;
A Latent Dirichlet Model for Unsupervised Entity Resolution
2006 144 Apr07
Chaudhuri, Surajit; Ganti, Venkatesh; Motwani, Rajeev
Robust Identification of Fuzzy Duplicates
2005 140 Aug06
Maletic, J.I.; Marcus, A.
Data Cleansing: Beyond Integrity Analysis
2000 138 Sep06
Gu, L; Baxter, R; Vickers, D; Rainsford, C
Record linkage: Current practice and future directions
2003 137 Sep06
Gravano, L.; Ipeirotis, P.G.; Koudas, N.; Srivastava, D.
Text joins in an RDBMS for web data integration
2003 129 Oct06
Bohannon, Philip; Fan, Wenfei; Geerts, Floris; Jia, Xibei; Kementsietsidis, Anastasios
Conditional Functional Dependencies for Data Cleaning
2007 122 Jan08