Autocompletion for Mashups

Greenshpan, O; Milo, T; Polyzotis, N

A mashup is a Web application that integrates data, computation and UI elements provided by several components into a single tool. The concept originated from the understanding that there is an increasing number of applications available on the Web and a growing need to combine them in order to meet user requirements. This paper presents MatchUp, a system that supports rapid, on-demand, intuitive development of mashups, based on a novel autocompletion mechanism.

Modeling the mashup space

Abiteboul, S; Greenshpan, O; Milo, T

We introduce a formal model for capturing the notion of mashup in its globality. The basic component in our model is the mashlet. A mashlet may query data sources, import other mashlets, use external Web services, and specify complex interaction patterns between its components. A mashlet state is modeled by a set of relations and its logic specified by datalog-style active rules. We are primarily concerned with changes in a mashlet state relations and rules.

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