Search: 2005, 1 - 9

16 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Papastefanatos, G.; Kyzirakos, K; Vassiliadis, P.; Vassiliou, Y.
Hecataeus: A Framework for Representing SQL Constructs as Graphs
2005 9 Mar09
Rajan, S; Punera, K; Ghosh, J
A maximum likelihood framework for integrating taxonomies
2005 9 Sep09
Klettke, M.; Meyer, H.; Hänsel, B.
Evolution - The Other Side of the XML Update Coin
2005 7 Oct05
Fletcher, G.; Wyss, C.
Mapping Between Data Sources on the Web
2005 7 Dec06
Fletcher, G.
The Data Mapping Problem: Algorithmic and Logical Characterizations
2005 7 Dec06
Claypool, Kajal T.; Hegde, Vaishali; Tansalarak, Naiyana
QMatch - A Hybrid Match Algorithm for XML Schemas
2005 7 Nov06
Bonifati, Angela; Chang, Qing Elaine; Ho, Terence; Lakshmanan, Laks
Heptox: Heterogeneous Peer to Peer XML Databases
2005 7 May06
Fletcher, G.; Wyss, C. M.
Relational data mapping in MIQIS
2005 6 May06
Velegrakis, Y
Managing Schema Mappings in Highly Heterogeneous Environments
2005 6 Sep06
Buccella, A; Cechich, A; Brisaboa, N
A three-level approach to ontology merging
2005 6 Sep09
Anand, S.; Wilde, E.
Mapping XML instances
2005 5 Dec06
Qian, Gang; Dong, Yisheng
Constructing Maintainable Semantic Mappings in Xquery
2005 5 May06
Melnik, S.
Model Management: First Steps and Beyond
2005 5 Oct05
Okawara, T.; Tanaka, J.; Morishima, A.; Sugimoto, S.
A Support Tool for XML Schema Matching and Its Implementation
2005 2 Dec06
Li, Y.; Liu, D.; Zhang, W.
A Generic Algorithm for Heterogeneous Schema Matching
2005 2 May06
Bernstein, PA; Melnik, S; Mork, P
Interactive schema translation with instance-level mappings
2005 1 Sep06