Search: Versioning

37 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Conradi, R; Westfechtel, B
Version models for software configuration management
1998 687 May07
Roddick, J.F.
A Survey of Schema Versioning Issues for Database Systems
1995 310 Oct05
Klein, M; Fensel, D
Ontology versioning on the Semantic Web
2001 277 Sep06
Chou, HT; Kim, W
A Unifying Framework for Version Control in a CAD Environment
1986 255 Sep06
Kim, W.; Chou, H.
Versions of Schema for Object-Oriented Databases
1988 231 Oct05
Dittrich, KR; Lorie, RA;
Version support for engineering database systems
1988 166 Sep06
Noy, Natalya Fridman; Musen, Mark A.
Ontology Versioning in an Ontology Management Framework
2004 164 Oct05
Monk, S; Sommerville, I
Schema evolution in OODBs using class versioning
1993 130 Sep06
Andany, J.; Lonard, M.; Palisser, C.
Management Of Schema Evolution In Databases
1991 124 Oct05
Moon, Hyun J.; Curino, Carlo A.; Deutsch, Alin; Hou, Chien-Yi; Zaniolo, Carlo
Managing and querying transaction-time databases under schema evolution
2008 52 Sep08
Roddick, John F.; Craske, Noel G.; Richards, Thomas J.
A Taxonomy for Schema Versioning Based on the Relational and Entity Relationship Models
1993 45 Oct05
Brown, K.; Ellis, M.
Best practices for Web Services versioning
2004 38 Oct05
Grandi, Fabio; Mandreoli, Federica
A formal model for temporal schema versioning in object-oriented databases
2003 36 May10
Lautemann, SE
An introduction to schema versioning in OODBMS
1996 33 Sep06
Lautemann, SE
A Propagation Mechanism for Populated Schema Versions
1997 33 Sep06
Benatallah, B
A Unified Framework for Supporting Dynamic Schema Evolution in Object Databases
1999 21 Oct06
Curino, Carlo; Moon, Hyun J.; Deutsch, Alin; Zaniolo, Carlo
Update Rewriting and Integrity Constraint Maintenance in a Schema Evolution Support System: PRISM++
2011 19 Aug10
Curino, Carlo A.; Moon, Hyun J.; Zaniolo, Carlo
Managing the History of Metadata in support for DB Archiving and Schema Evolution
2008 19 Sep08
Xuan, D; Bellatreche, L; Pierra, G
A Versioning Management Model for Ontology-Based Data Warehouses
2006 17 May10
Kirsten, T.; Gross, A.; Hartung, M.; Rahm, E.
GOMMA: A Component-based Infrastructure for managing and analyzing Life Science Ontologies and their Evolution
2011 15 Jul12
Curino, Carlo A.; Moon, Hyun J.; Ham, MyungWon; Zaniolo, Carlo
The PRISM Workwench: Database Schema Evolution Without Tears
2009 14 Sep08
Odberg, E
A Framework for Managing Schema Versioning in Object-Oriented Databases
1992 12 Oct06
Benatallah, B; Tari, Z
Dealing with Version Pertinence to Design an Efficient Schema Evolution Framework
1998 9 Oct06
Schonhoff, M; Strassler, M; Dittrich, KR
Version Propagation in Federated Database Systems
2001 9 Sep06
Galante, R de Matos; Edelweiss, N; Santos, CS dos
Change Management for a Temporal Versioned Object-Oriented Database
2003 8 Oct06
Kirsten, T; Hartung, M; Gross, A; Rahm, E
Efficient Management of Biomedical Ontology Versions
2009 7 Sep09
Yildiz, Burcu
Ontology Evolution and Versioning - The state of the art
2006 6 Aug07
Orchard, D
Versioning XML Vocabularies
2003 6 Sep06
Gabriel, Jim
How to version schemas
2004 4 Oct05
Jensen, OG; Bohlen, MH
Multitemporal Conditional Schema Evolution
2004 2 Oct06
Obasanjo, Dare
Designing XML Formats: Versioning vs. Extensibilty
Moon, Hyun J.; Curino, Carlo; Zaniolo, Carlo
Scalable Architecture and Query Optimization for Transaction-time DBs with Evolving Schemas
2010 Feb10
Snodgrass, Richard T.; Dyreson, Curtis; Currim, Faiz; Currim, Sabah; Shailesh Joshie,
Validating quicksand: Temporal schema versioning in t„XSchema
2008 Jan10
Currim, Faiz; Currim, Sabah; Dyreson, Curtis E.; Joshi, Shailesh; Snodgrass, Richard T.; Thomas, Stephen W.; Roeder, Eric
tXSchema: Support for data-and schema-versioned XML documents
2009 Jan10
Roddick, John F.; Snodgrass, Richard T.
Schema versioning
1995 Jan18
Stinnett, Mickey
XML Schema Versioning
2001 Oct05
Hartung, M.
Evolution von Ontologien in den Lebenswissenschaften
2011 May11