
Schema Exchange: A Template-Based Approach to Data and Metadata Translation.

Papotti, Paolo; Torlone, Riccardo
ER Conference

In this paper we study the problem of schema exchange, a
natural extension of the data exchange problem to an intensional level.
To this end, we first introduce the notion of schema template, a tool for
the representation of a class of schemas sharing the same structure. We
then define the schema exchange notion as the problem of (i) taking a
schema that matches a source template, and (ii) generating a new schema
for a target template, on the basis of a set of dependencies defined over
the two templates. This framework allows the definition, once for all,

Automatic Generation of Model Translations

Papotti, Paolo; Torlone, Riccardo

The translation of information between heterogeneous rep-
resentations is a long standing issue. With the large spreading of cooper-
ative applications fostered by the advent of the Internet the problem has
gained more and more attention but there are still few and partial solu-
tions. In general, given an information source, different translations can
be defined for the same target model. In this work, we first identify gen-
eral properties that “good” translations should fulfill. We then propose
novel techniques for the automatic generation of model translations. A

An Approach to Heterogeneous Data Translation based on XML Conversion.

Papotti, Paolo; Torlone, Riccardo
CAiSE Workshops: Web Information Systems Modeling (WISM)

In this paper, we illustrate a preliminary approach to the
translation of Web data between heterogeneous formats. This work fits
into a larger pro ject whose aim is the development of a tool for the man-
agement of data described according to a large variety of formats used on
the Web and the (semi)automatic translation of schemes and instances
from one model to another. Data translations operate over XML repre-
sentations of instances and rely on a uniform representation of models
that we call metamodel. The metamodel shows structural diversities and

Data exchange with data-metadata translations

Hernández, Mauricio A.; Papotti, Paolo; Tan, Wang Chiew

Data exchange is the process of converting an instance of one schema into an instance of a different schema according to a given specification. Recent data exchange systems have largely dealt with the case where the schemas are given a priori and transformations can only migrate data from the first schema to an instance of the second schema. In particular, the ability to perform data-metadata translations, transformation in which data is converted into metadata or metadata is converted into data, is largely ignored.

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