
MAFRA - A Mapping Framework for Distributed Ontologies

Silva, N.; Motik, B.; Volz, R.
EKAW, 2002, LNCS 2473

Ontologies as means for conceptualizing and structuring domain knowledge
within a community of interest are seen as a key to realize the SemanticWeb
vision. However, the decentralized nature of the Web makes achieving this consensus
across communities difficult, thus, hampering efficient knowledge sharing
between them. In order to balance the autonomy of each community with the
need for interoperability, mapping mechanisms between distributed ontologies in
the Semantic Web are required. In this paper we present MAFRA, an interactive,

An Infrastructure for Searching, Reusing and Evolving Distributed Ontologies

Motik, Boris; Stojanovic, Ljiljana; Studer, Rudi; Volz, Raphael
Proc. of 12th Intl Conf. on World Wide Web (WWW 2003), Budapest (May 2003), Hungary, ACM Press, New York, pp. 439448, 2003

The vision of the SemanticWeb can only be realized through proliferation
of well-known ontologies describing different domains. To
enable interoperability in the Semantic Web, it will be necessary to
break these ontologies down into smaller, well-focused units that
may be reused. Currently, three problems arise in that scenario.
Firstly, it is difficult to locate ontologies to be reused, thus leading
to many ontologies modeling the same thing. Secondly, current
tools do not provide means for reusing existing ontologies while

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