Search: 2008, n/a

40 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Sahooa, Satya S.; Bodenreiderb, Olivier; Rutterc, Joni L.; Skinnerc, Karen J.; Shetha, Amit P.
An ontology-driven semantic mashup of gene and biological pathway information: Application to the ...
2008 Mar09
Braga, D; Campi, A; Ceri, S; Raffio, A
Joining the results of heterogeneous search engines
2008 Mar09
Di Lorenzo, G; Hacid, H; Paik, H; Benatallah, B
Mashups for Data Integration: An Analysis
2008 Sep09
Ebner, H; Palmér, M
A Mashup-friendly Resource and Metadata Management Framework
2008 Feb09
Benslimane, D; Dustdar, S; Sheth, A
Services Mashups: The New Generation of Web Applications
2008 Feb09
Norrie, Moira C.
PIM Meets Web 2.0
2008 Feb09
Hasan, Ragib; Winslett, Marianne; Conlan, Richard; Slesinsky, Brian; Ramani, Nandakumar
Please Permit Me: Stateless Delegated Authorization in Mashups
2008 Feb09
Wong, J; Hong, J
What do we "mashup" when we make mashups?
2008 Feb09
Maximilien, EM; Ranabahu, A; Gomadam, K
An Online Platform for Web APIs and Service Mashups
2008 Feb09
Wang, G; Yang, S; Han, Y
A Spreadsheet-like Construct for Streamlining and Reusing Mashups
2008 Feb09
Gamble, MT; Gamble, R
Monoliths to Mashups: Increasing Opportunistic Assets
2008 Feb09
Abiteboul, S; Greenshpan, O; Milo, T
Modeling the mashup space
2008 Feb09
Challiol, Cecilia; Fortier, Andrés; Gordillo, Silvia E.; Rossi, Gustavo
Model-based concerns mashups for mobile hypermedia
2008 Feb09
Benatallah, B; Nezhad, HRM
Service Oriented Architecture: Overview and Directions
2008 Feb09
Tuchinda, R; Szekely, P; Knoblock, CA
Building Mashups by example
2008 Feb09
Maffeis, Sergio; Mitchell, John; Taly, Ankur
An Operational Semantics for JavaScript?
2008 Feb09
Norrie, MC; Grossniklaus, M; Vancea, A
Database-Driven Web Mashups
2008 Feb09
Francois Belleau, Marc-Alexandre Nolin, Nicole Tourigny, Philippe Rigault, Jean Morissette
Bio2RDF: Towards a mashup to build bioinformatics knowledge systems
2008 Feb09
Aumueller, D; Thor, A.
Mashup-Werkzeuge zur Ad-hoc Datenintegration im Web
2008 Feb09
Cheung, KH; Yip, KY; Townsend, JP; Scotch, M
HCLS 2.0/3.0: Health care and life sciences data mashup using Web 2.0/3.0
2008 Mar10
Sumitomo, J; Hogan, JM; Roe, P
BioMashups: The New World of Exploratory Bioinformatics?
2008 Feb09
Maraikar, Z; Lazovik, A; Arbab, F
Building Mashups for the Enterprise with SABRE
2008 Mar10
Kim, Yang Sok; Kang, Byeong Ho
Search Query Generation with MCRDR Document Classification Knowledge
2008 Feb10
Markl, V; Altinel, M; Simmen, D; Singh, A
Data Mashups for Situational Applications
2008 Mar10
Griffin, Eric
Foundations of Popfly: Rapid Mashup Development
2008 Mar10
Benslimane, D; Dustdar, S; Sheth, A
Services Mashups
2008 Mar10
Leitner, P; Grechenig, T
Electronic Commerce Mashups: Combining Applications to Useful Services for Shoppers
2008 Mar10
Raza, M; Hussain, F khadeer; Chang, E
A methodology for quality-based mashup of data sources
2008 Feb09
Yu, J; Benatallah, B; Casati, F; Daniel, F
Understanding mashup development
2008 Sep09
Auer, S; Bizer, C; Kobilarov, G; Lehmann, Cyganiak, R; Ives, Z
Dbpedia: A nucleus for a web of open data
2008 Sep09
Riabov, AV; Boillet, E; Feblowitz, MD; Z Liu, A ..
Wishful search: interactive composition of data mashups
2008 Sep09
Simmen, DE; Altinel, M; Markl, V; Padmanabhan, A; Singh, H
Damia: data mashups for intranet applications
2008 Mar09
Hoyer, V; Stanoesvka-Slabeva, K; Janner, T.; Schroth, C.
Enterprise mashups: Design principles towards the long tail of user needs
2008 Sep09
Zang, N; Rosson, MB; Nasser, V
Mashups: Who? What? Why?
2008 Sep09
Koschmider, A; Torres, V; Pelechano, V
Elucidating the Mashup Hype: Definition, Challenges, Methodical Guide and Tools for Mashups
2008 Sep09
Hoyer, V; Fischer, M
Market Overview of Enterprise Mashup Tools
2008 Mar09
Blythe, J; Kapoor, D; Knoblock, CA; Lerman, K; Minton, Steven
Information integration for the masses
2008 Mar09
Maraikar, Z; Lazovik, A
Reforming mashups
2008 Sep09
Khan, MS; Kulathuramaiyer, N; Maurer, H
Applications of Mash-ups for a Digital Journal
2008 Mar09
Cheung, Kei-Hoi; Kashyapb, Vipul; Lucianoc, Joanne S.; Chend, Huajun; Wange, Yimin; Stephensf, Susie
Semantic mashup of biomedical data
2008 Mar09