Search: Sch. Matching/Mapping, Journal

22 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Noy, N.F.; Musen, M.A.
The PROMPT suite: interactive tools for ontology merging and mapping
2003 644 Sep06
Noy, N. Fridman; Klein, M. C. A.
Ontology Evolution: Not the Same as Schema Evolution
2004 448 Oct05
Doan, AnHai; Madhavan, Jayant; Domingos, Pedro; Halevy, Alon
Ontology Matching: A Machine Learning Approach
2004 387 May06
Haas, Laura M.; Miller, Renee J.; Niswonger, B.; Tork Roth, Mary; Schwarz, Peter M.; Wimmers, Edward L.
Transforming Heterogeneous Data with Database Middleware: Beyond Integration
1999 226 May06
Doerr, M.
Semantic Problems of Thesaurus Mapping
2001 181 May06
Noy, Natalya Fridman; Musen, Mark A.
Ontology Versioning in an Ontology Management Framework
2004 164 Oct05
Li, Juanzi; Tang, Jie; Li, Yi; Luo, Qiong
RiMOM: A Dynamic Multistrategy Ontology Alignment Framework
2009 149 Sep09
Yu, A.C.
Methods in biomedical ontology
2006 96 Nov07
Gal, A.; Modica, G.; Jamil, H.; Eyal, A.
Automatic Ontology Matching using Application semantics
2005 90 Apr08
Hu, Wei; Qu, Yuzhong; Cheng, Gong
Matching large ontologies: A divide-and-conquer approach
2008 88 Feb09
Gal, A.
Managing Uncertainty in Schema Matching with Top-K Schema Mappings
2006 74 May06
Palopoli, L.; Terracina, G.; Ursino, D.
DIKE: a system supporting the semi-automatic construction of cooperative information systems from heterogeneous databases
2003 51 May06
Seddiqui, Md. Hanif; Aono, Masaki
An efficient and scalable algorithm for segmented alignment of ontologies of arbitrary size
2009 50 Dec09
Cruz, IF; Sunna, W; Makar, N; Bathala, S
A visual tool for ontology alignment to enable geospatial interoperability
2007 46 Jul07
Cate, B; Kolaitis, PG
Structural characterizations of schema-mapping languages
2010 44 Mar10
Domshlak, C.; Gal, A.; Roitman, H.
Rank Aggregation for Automatic Schema Matching
2008 42 Apr08
Lomax, J.; McCray, A.T.
Mapping the Gene Ontology into the Unified Medical Language System
2004 32 Nov07
Mork, P.; Pottinger, R.; Bernstein, P.A.
Challenges in precisely aligning models of human anatomy using generic schema matching
2003 19 Nov07
Kirsten, T.; Gross, A.; Hartung, M.; Rahm, E.
GOMMA: A Component-based Infrastructure for managing and analyzing Life Science Ontologies and their Evolution
2011 15 Jul12
Roth, M; Hernandez, MA; Coulthard, P; Yan, L; Popa, L; Ho, H.C.; Salter, C.C.
XML mapping technology: Making connections in an XML-centric world
2006 Sep06
Giunchiglia, F.; Shvaiko, P.
Semantic matching
2003 May06
Kobayashi, I
Losslessness and semantic correctness of database schema transformation: another look at schema equivalence
1986 Sep06