Search: Sch. Matching/Mapping, Implementation

24 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Doan, A.; Domingos, P.; Halevy, A.
Reconciling Schemas of Disparate Data Sources: A Machine-Learning Approach
2001 806 May06
Ehrig, M.; Staab, S.
QOM - Quick Ontology Mapping
2004 495 May06
Miller, Renee; Haas, Laura; Hernandez, Mauricio
Schema Mapping as Query Discovery
2000 454 May06
Popa, Lucian; Velegrakis, Yannis; Miller, Renee; Hernandez, Mauricio; Fagin, Ronald
Translating Web Data
2002 437 May06
Haas, Laura M.; Miller, Renee J.; Niswonger, B.; Tork Roth, Mary; Schwarz, Peter M.; Wimmers, Edward L.
Transforming Heterogeneous Data with Database Middleware: Beyond Integration
1999 226 May06
Yan, Ling Ling; Miller, Renee; Haas, Laura; Fagin, Ronald
Data-Driven Understanding and Refinement of Schema Mappings
2001 218 May06
Ehrig, M.; Staab, S.; Sure, Y.
Bootstrapping Ontology Alignment Methods with APFEL
2005 154 May06
Li, Juanzi; Tang, Jie; Li, Yi; Luo, Qiong
RiMOM: A Dynamic Multistrategy Ontology Alignment Framework
2009 149 Sep09
Hu, W; Qu, Y
Falcon-AO: A practical ontology matching system
2008 93 Mar10
Gal, A.; Modica, G.; Jamil, H.; Eyal, A.
Automatic Ontology Matching using Application semantics
2005 90 Apr08
Hu, Wei; Qu, Yuzhong; Cheng, Gong
Matching large ontologies: A divide-and-conquer approach
2008 88 Feb09
Modica, G.; Gal, A.; Jamil, H.
The Use of Machine-Generated Ontologies in Dynamic Information Seeking
2001 71 Apr08
Cruz, I; Antonelli, F; Stroe, C
AgreementMaker: Efficient Matching for Large Real-World Schemas and Ontologies
2009 71 Sep09
Popa, Lucian; Hernandez, Mauricio; Velegrakis, Yannis; Miller, Renee; Naumann, Felix; Ho, Howard
Mapping XML and Relational Schemas with Clio
2002 64 May06
Fagin, R.; Haas, L; Hernandez, M; Miller, R; Popa, L; Velegrakis, Y.
Clio: Schema mapping creation and data exchange
2009 63 Mar10
Do, Hong-Hai
Schema Matching and Mapping-based Data Integration
2006 61 Jun06
Palopoli, L.; Terracina, G.; Ursino, D.
DIKE: a system supporting the semi-automatic construction of cooperative information systems from heterogeneous databases
2003 51 May06
Curino, Carlo A.; Orsi, Giorgio; Tanca, Letizia
X-SOM: A Flexible Ontology Mapper
2008 20 Sep08
Saha, B; Stanoi, I; Clarkson, KL
Schema Covering: a Step Towards Enabling Reuse in Information Integration
2010 15 Mar10
Noy, N.F.; Musen, M.A.
PromptDiff: A fixed-point algorithm for comparing ontology versions
2002 Sep06
Massmann, S.; Engmann, D.; Rahm, E.
COMA++: Results for the Ontology Alignment Contest OAEI 2006
2006 May07
Manakanatas, D; Plexousakis, D
A tool for semi-automated semantic schema mapping: Design and ...
2006 Apr10
Groppe, S., Boettcher, S.
Query Reformulation for the XML standards XPath, XQuery and XSLT
2004 Oct06
Raunich, S; Rahm, E
Towards a Benchmark for Ontology Merging
2012 Jul12