Search: Schema Evolution, n/a

48 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Mullins, C.S.
Database Change Management and Schema Evolution in DB2 for z/OS Version 8
2005 Sep06
Nica, A; Lee, AJ; Rundensteiner, EA
The CVS Algorithm for View Synchronization in Evolvable Large-Scale Information Systems
1998 Sep06
Cleve, Anthony.; Hainaut, Jean-Luc;
Co-transformations in Database Applications Evolution
2006 Dec07
Hainaut, JL; Tonneau, C; Joris, M; Chandelon, M
Schema Transformation Techniques for Database Reverse Engineering
1993 Sep06
Haase, Peter; Hotho, Andreas; Schmidt-Thieme, Lars; Sure, York
Collaborative and Usage-driven Evolution of Personal Ontologies
2005 Apr06
Stojanovic, Nenad; Stojanovic, Ljiljana
Usage-Oriented Evolution of Ontology-Based Knowledge Management Systems
2002 Apr06
Lieberherr, Karl J.; Xiao, Cun
Object-Oriented Software Evolution
1993 Oct05
Obasanjo, Dare
Designing XML Formats: Versioning vs. Extensibilty
Tiedt, T.
Schemaevolution und Adaption von XML-Dokumenten und XQuery-Anfragen
2005 Oct05
Claypool, KT
Managing Schema Change in an Heterogeneous Environment
2002 Sep06
Andrikopoulos, Vasilios; Benbernou, Salima; Papazoglou, Mike P.
Managing the Evolution of Service Specifications
2008 Jan09
Bounif, Hassina, Spaccapietra, Stefano; Pottinger, Rachel
Requirements Ontology and Multi-representation Strategy for Database Schema Evolution
2007 Jan09
Vassiliadis, P; Bouzeghoub, M; Quix, C
Towards quality-oriented data warehouse usage and evolution
2000 Sep06
Liu, Chien-Tsai; Chrysanthis, Panos K.; Chang, Shi-Kuo
Database Schema Evolution through the Specification and Maintenance of Changes on Entities and Relationships
1994 Oct05
Leenheer, P De; Debruyne, C
DOGMA-MESS: A Tool for Fact-Oriented Collaborative Ontology Evolution
2008 Mar10
Lin, Yuehua; Gray, Jeff ; Jouault, Frédéric
DSMDiff: A Differentiation Tool for Domain-Specific Models
2007 Sep07
Spyratos, N.; Imielinski, T.
On lossless tranformation of databases schemes not necessarily satisfying universal instance assumption
1984 Mar07
Leenheer, P De; Mens, T
Ontology Evolution: State of the Art and Future Directions
2008 Mar10

Oracle Database 10g Online Data Reorganization & Redefinition
2005 Sep06
Roddick, JF
SQL/SE: a query language extension for databases supporting schema evolution
1992 Sep06
Ferrandina, Fabrizio; Meyer, Thorsten; Zicari, Roberto; Ferran, Guy; Madec, Jolle
Schema and Database Evolution in the O2 Object Database System
1995 Oct05
Rinderle, S.; Reichert, M.; Dadam, Peter
Effiziente Verträglichkeitsprfung und automatische Migration von Workflow-Instanzen bei der Evolution von Workflow-Schemata
2002 Oct05
Zicari, R
A framework for schema updates in an object-oriented database system
1991 Oct06
Moon, Hyun J.; Curino, Carlo; Zaniolo, Carlo
Scalable Architecture and Query Optimization for Transaction-time DBs with Evolving Schemas
2010 Feb10
Breche, P
Advanced Principles for Changing Schemas of Object Databases
1996 Oct06
Snodgrass, Richard T.; Dyreson, Curtis; Currim, Faiz; Currim, Sabah; Shailesh Joshie,
Validating quicksand: Temporal schema versioning in t„XSchema
2008 Jan10
Currim, Faiz; Currim, Sabah; Dyreson, Curtis E.; Joshi, Shailesh; Snodgrass, Richard T.; Thomas, Stephen W.; Roeder, Eric
tXSchema: Support for data-and schema-versioned XML documents
2009 Jan10
Störl, Uta; Klettke, Meike; Scherzinger, Stefanie
NoSQL Schema Evolution and Data Migration: State-of-the-Art and Opportunities.
2020 Apr22
Groß, A.; Pruski, C.; Rahm, E.
Evolution of Biomedical Ontologies and Mappings: Overview of Recent Approaches
2016 Jan18
Christen, Victor; Groß, Anika; Hartung, Michael
REX - a tool for discovering evolution trends in ontology regions
2014 Jan18
Groß, A.; Dos Reis, J.C.; Hartung, M.; Pruski, C.; Rahm, E.
Semi-Automatic Adaptation of Mappings between Life Science Ontologies
2013 Jan18
Gross, A.; Hartung, M.; Thor, A.; Rahm, E.
How do computed ontology mappings evolve? - A case study for life science ontologies
2012 Jul12
Groß, A.; Hartung, M.; Thor, A.; Rahm, E.
How do computed ontology mappings evolve? - A case study for life science ontologies
2012 Jan18
Cardoso, S.
Towards a Multi-level Approach for the Maintenance of Semantic Annotations
2017 Jan18
Roddick, John F.; Snodgrass, Richard T.
Schema versioning
1995 Jan18
Roddick, J. F.
Schema Versioning
2009 Jan18
Roddick, J. F.; Grandi, F.; Mandreoli, F.; Scalas, M. R.
Beyond Schema Versioning: A Flexible Model for Spatio-Temporal Schema Selection
2001 Jan18
Roddick, John F.
A model for schema versioning in temporal database systems
1996 Jan18
Ian Rae, Eric Rollins, Jeff Shute, Sukhdeep Sodhi, Radek Vingrale
Online, asynchronous schema change in F1
2013 Oct13
Papastefanatos, George; Vassiliadis, Panos; Simitsis, Alkis; Vassiliou, Yannis
Metrics for the Prediction of Evolution Impact in ETL Ecosystems: A Case Study
2012 Apr13
Hartung, M.
Management von Ontologien in den Lebenswissenschaften
2008 Jun08

Oracle XML Schema Evolution
2008 Jan10

Oracle Edition-Based Redefinition
2009 May10
Lechtenboerger, J.; Vossen, G.
On the computation of relational view complements
2003 Sep06
Dominguez, Eladio; Lloret, Jorge; Rubio, Angel Luis; Zapata, Maria Antonia
Stones Falling in Water: When and How to Restructure a View–Based Relational Database
2010 May11
Dominguez, Eladio; Lloret, Jorge; Perez, Beatriz; Rodriguez, Aurea; Rubio, Angel Luis; Zapata, Maria Antonia
Evolution of XML schemas and documents from stereotyped UML class models: A traceable approach
2011 May11
Stinnett, Mickey
XML Schema Versioning
2001 Oct05
Hartung, M.
Evolution von Ontologien in den Lebenswissenschaften
2011 May11