Web form/service matching

Matching of web forms or web service interfaces. Typically, this requires matching between many schemas or searching for a similar schema

Automatic integration of Web search interfaces with WISE-Integrator

He, H; Meng, W; Yu, C; Wu, Z
The VLDB Journal

An increasing number of databases are becoming Web accessible through form-based search interfaces, and

Meteor-s web service annotation framework

Patil, A; Oundhakar, S; Sheth, A;Verma, K.
Proc. WWW

The World Wide Web is emerging not only as an infrastructure
for data, but also for a broader variety of resources that are
increasingly being made available as Web services. Relevant
current standards like UDDI, WSDL, and SOAP are in their
fledgling years and form the basis of making Web services a
workable and broadly adopted technology. However, realizing the
fuller scope of the promise of Web services and associated service
oriented architecture will requite further technological advances
in the areas of service interoperation, service discovery, service

An interactive clustering-based approach to integrating source query interfaces on ...

Wu, W; Yu, C; Doan, AH; Meng, W

An increasing number of data sources now become available on the Web, but often their contents are only accessible through query interfaces. For a domain of interest, there often exist many such sources with varied coverage or querying capabilities. As an important step to the integration of these sources, we consider the integration of their query interfaces. More specifically, we focus on the crucial step of the integration: accurately matching the interfaces.

Holistic schema matching for web query interfaces

Su, W; Wang, J; Lochovsky, F
Proc. EDBT, LNCS 3896

One significant part of today’s Web is Web databases, which can dynamically provide information in response to user queries. To help users submit queries to different Web databases, the query interface matching problem needs to be addressed. To solve this problem, we propose a new complex schema matching approach, Holistic Schema Matching (HSM). By examining the query interfaces of real Web databases, we observe that attribute matchings can be discovered from attribute-occurrence patterns.

OntoMatch: A monotonically improving schema matching system for autonomous data integration

Bhattacharjee, A; Jamil, H
IEEE 10th IEEE international conference on Information Reuse & Integration

Traditional schema matchers use a set of distinct simple matchers and use a composition function to combine the individual scores using an arbitrary order of matcher application leading to non-intuitive scores, produce improper matches, and wasteful and counterproductive computation, especially when no consideration is given to the properties of the individual matchers and the context of the application. In this paper, we propose a new method for schema matching in which wasteful computation is avoided by a prudent, and objective selection and ordering of a subset of useful matchers.

Improving search and navigation by combining Ontologies and Social Tags

Bindelli, Silvia; Criscione, Claudio; Curino, Carlo A.; Drago, Mauro L.; Eynard, Davide; Orsi, Giorgio
OTM Workshop: Ambient Data Integration

The Semantic Web has the ambitious goal of enabling complex autonomous applications to reason on a machine-processable version of the World Wide Web. This, however, would require a coordinated effort not easily achievable in practice. On the other hand, spontaneous communities, based on social tagging, recently achieved noticeable consensus and diffusion.

The Use of Machine-Generated Ontologies in Dynamic Information Seeking

Modica, G.; Gal, A.; Jamil, H.

Information seeking is the process in which human beings recourse to information resources in order to increase their level of knowledge with respect to their goals. In this paper we offer a methodology for automating the evolution of ontologies and share the results of our experiments in supporting a user in seeking information using interactive systems. The main conclusion of our experiments is that if one narrows down the scope of the domain, ontologies can be extracted with a very high level of precision (more than 90% in some cases).

Automatic Ontology Matching using Application semantics

Gal, A.; Modica, G.; Jamil, H.; Eyal, A.
AI Magazine

We propose the use of application semantics to enhance the process of semantic reconciliation. Application semantics involve those elements of the business reasoning that affect the way concepts are presented to users, their layout, etc. In particular, we pursue in this paper the notion of precedence, in which temporal constraints determine the ordering of concepts when presented to the user.

Statistical Schema Matching across Web Query Interfaces

He, B.; Chang, K.C.C.
SIGMOD, 2003

Schema matching is a critical problem for integrating heterogeneous information sources. Traditionally, the problem of matching multiple schemas has essentially relied on finding pairwise-attribute correspondence. This paper proposes a different approach, motivated by integrating large numbers of data sources on the Internet. On this "deep Web," we observe two distinguishing characteristics that offer a new view for considering schema matching: First, as the Web scales, there are ample sources that provide structured information in the same domains (e.g., books and automobiles).

WebIQ: Learning from the Web to Match Query Interfaces on the Deep Web

Wu, W.; Doan, A.; Yu, C.
ICDE, 2006
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