Search: Schema Evolution, 10 - 49

Results 1 - 50 of 79


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Maedche, A.; Motik, B.; Stojanovic, L.; Studer, R.; Volz, R.
Managing Multiple Ontologies and Ontology Evolution in Ontologging.
2002 49 Oct05
Davidson, Susan; Buneman, Peter; Kosky, Anthony
Semantics of Database Transformations
1998 47 Apr06
Roddick, John F.; Craske, Noel G.; Richards, Thomas J.
A Taxonomy for Schema Versioning Based on the Relational and Entity Relationship Models
1993 45 Oct05
Maule, Andy; Emmerich, Wolfgang; Rosenblum, David S.
Impact analysis of database schema changes
2008 43 Jan10
Roddick, JF; et al.
Evolution and change in data management: issues and directions
2000 42 Sep06
Rahm, Erhard; Bernstein, Philip A.
An Online Bibliography on Schema Evolution
2006 40 Dec06
Xing, Z; Stroulia, E
Understanding class evolution in object-oriented software
2004 40 Sep06
Brown, K.; Ellis, M.
Best practices for Web Services versioning
2004 38 Oct05
Papavassiliou, V; Flouris, G; Fundulaki, I; D Kotzinos, V ..
On Detecting High-Level Changes in RDF/S KBs
2009 37 Mar10
Grandi, Fabio; Mandreoli, Federica
A formal model for temporal schema versioning in object-oriented databases
2003 36 May10
Rinderle, S.; Wombacher, A.; Reichert, M.
On the Controlled Evolution of Process Choreographies
2006 36 Sep06
Hick, J.-M.; Hainaut, J.-L.
Database application evolution: a transformational approach
2006 35 Jul07
Kramer, D.
XEM: XML Evolution Management
2001 35 Oct05
Wang, F; Zaniolo, C
Publishing and querying the histories of archived relational databases in XML
2003 35 Sep06
Fan, H; Poulovassilis, A
Schema evolution in data warehousing environments: a schema transformation-based approach
2004 34 Sep06
Lautemann, SE
An introduction to schema versioning in OODBMS
1996 33 Sep06
Lautemann, SE
A Propagation Mechanism for Populated Schema Versions
1997 33 Sep06
Blaschka, M
FIESTA: A Framework for Schema Evolution in Multidimensional Databases
2000 33 Sep06
Jarke, M; Rose, T
Managing knowledge about information system evolution
1988 31 Oct06
Beyer, K.; Özcan, F.; Saiprasad, S.; Van der Linden, B
DB2/XML: Designing for Evolution
2005 30 Oct05
Tresch, M
A Framework for Schema Evolution by Meta Object Manipulation
1991 29 Oct06
Hainaut, JL; Englebert, V; Henrard, J; Hick, JM; Hick, D
Database Evolution: the DB-Main Approach
1994 28 Sep06
Klettke, M.
Conceptual XML Schema Evolution --- the CoDEX Approach for Design and Redesign
2007 27 Mar07
Bouchou, B.; Duarte, D.; Halfeld, M.; Alves, M. H. F.; Laurent, D.; Musicante, M.
Schema Evolution for XML: A Consistency-preserving Approach
2004 26 Oct05
Mikroyannidis, A; Theodoulidis, B
Ontology management and evolution for business intelligence
2010 25 Nov12
Thiran, P.; Hainaut, J.-L.; Houben, G.-J.; Benslimane, D.
Wrapper-based evolution of legacy information systems
2006 24 Jul07
Mesiti, Marco; Celle, Roberto; Sorrenti, Matteo A.; Guerrini, Giovanna
X-Evolution: A System for XML Schema Evolution and Document Adaptation
2006 23 Apr06
Cleve, A; Henrard, J.; Hainaut, JL;
Data Reverse Engineering using System Dependency Graphs
2006 23 Dec07
Moor, A de; Jeusfeld, MA
Making Workflow Change Acceptable
2001 23 Oct06
Eilbeck, K; Mungall, CJ
Evolution of the Sequence Ontology terms and relationships
2009 23 Jul10
Qin, L; Atluri, V
Evaluating the validity of data instances against ontology evolution over the Semantic Web
2009 22 Mar10
Li, Xue
A Survey of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases
1999 22 Apr06
Ram, S.; Shankaranarayanan, G.
Research issues in database schema evolution: the road not taken.
2003 22 Oct05
Cazzola, W; Ghoneim, A; Saake, G
Software Evolution through Dynamic Adaptation of Its OO Design
2003 22 Sep06
Becker, Karin; Lopes, Andre; Milojicic, Dejan S.; Pruyne, Jim; Singhal, Sharad
Automatically Determining Compatibility of Evolving Services
2008 21 Jan09
Benatallah, B
A Unified Framework for Supporting Dynamic Schema Evolution in Object Databases
1999 21 Oct06
Al-Jadir, L.; Leonard, M.
Multiobjects to Ease Schema Evolution in an OODBMS
1998 20 Oct06
Koeller, A; Rundensteiner, EA
Incremental Maintenance of Schema-Restructuring Views
2002 20 Sep06
Bouzeghoub, M; Loscio, BF; Kedad, Z; Salgado, AC
Managing the Evolution of Mediation Queries
2003 20 Sep06
Curino, Carlo; Moon, Hyun J.; Deutsch, Alin; Zaniolo, Carlo
Update Rewriting and Integrity Constraint Maintenance in a Schema Evolution Support System: PRISM++
2011 19 Aug10
Curino, Carlo A.; Moon, Hyun J.; Zaniolo, Carlo
Managing the History of Metadata in support for DB Archiving and Schema Evolution
2008 19 Sep08
Papastefanatos, G.; Vassiliadis, P.; Simitsis, A.; Vassiliou, Y.
What-If Analysis for Data Warehouse Evolution
2007 18 Jul08
Sockut, GH, Iyer, BR
Online reorganization of databases
2009 18 Dec10
Fagin, R; Kolaitis, PG; Popa, L; Tan, WC
Schema mapping evolution through composition and inversion
2011 18 Nov12
Xuan, D; Bellatreche, L; Pierra, G
A Versioning Management Model for Ontology-Based Data Warehouses
2006 17 May10
Cleve, A.; Henrard, J.; Hainaut, J.-L.
Co-transformations in Information System Reengineering
2004 17 Jul07
Bindelli, Silvia; Criscione, Claudio; Curino, Carlo A.; Drago, Mauro L.; Eynard, Davide; Orsi, Giorgio
Improving search and navigation by combining Ontologies and Social Tags
2008 16 Nov08
Dominguez, Eladio; Lloret, Jorge; Rubio, Angel Luis; Zapata, Maria Antonia
MeDEA: A database evolution architecture with traceability.
2008 16 Aug08
Papastefanatos, G.; Vassiliadis, P.; Simitsis, A.; Vassiliou, Y.
Policy-regulated Management of ETL Evolution
2009 16 Aug09
Zablith, F
Evolva: A Comprehensive Approach to Ontology Evolution
2009 15 Mar10