Database s.e.

NoSQL Schema Evolution and Data Migration: State-of-the-Art and Opportunities.

Störl, Uta; Klettke, Meike; Scherzinger, Stefanie
ER conf

Recent position papers demand more schema flexibility, such as the ability to handle variational data [3, 42]. Many agile software developers have long since turned towards NoSQL database systems such as MongoDB 1, Couchbase 2, or ArangoDB 3 which are schema-flexible, or even altogether schema-free. They allow to store datasets in different structural versions to co-exist. Yet even when the database management system does not maintain an explicit schema, there is commonly an implicit schema, as the application code makes assumptions about the structure of the stored data.

Schema matching and mapping

Bellahsène, Z; Bonifati, A; Rahm, E

The book edited by Bellahsene, Bonifati and Rahm provides an overview of the ways in which the schema and ontology matching and mapping tools have addressed the above requirements and points to the open technical challenges. The contributions from leading experts are structured into three parts: large-scale and knowledge-driven schema matching, quality-driven schema mapping and evolution, and evaluation and tuning of matching tasks.

Update Rewriting and Integrity Constraint Maintenance in a Schema Evolution Support System: PRISM++

Curino, Carlo; Moon, Hyun J.; Deutsch, Alin; Zaniolo, Carlo

Supporting legacy applications when the database schema evolves represents a long-standing challenge of practical and theoretical importance. Recent work has produced algorithms and systems that automate the process of data migration and query adaptation; how- ever, the problems of evolving integrity constraints and supporting legacy updates under schema and integrity constraints evolution are significantly more difficult and have thus far remained unsolved.

A formal model for temporal schema versioning in object-oriented databases

Grandi, Fabio; Mandreoli, Federica
Data & Knowledge Engineering

In this paper we present a formal model for the support of temporal schema versions in object-oriented databases. Its definition is partially based on a generic (ODMG compatible) object model and partially introduces new concepts. The proposed model supports all the schema changes which are usually considered in the OODB literature, for which an operational semantics and a formal analysis of their correct behaviour is provided.

HECATAEUS: Regulating Schema Evolution

Papastefanatos, G.; Vassiliadis, P.; Simitsis, A.; Vassiliou, Y.

HECATAEUS is an open-source software tool for enabling impact prediction, what-if analysis, and regulation of relational database schema evolution. We follow a graph theoretic approach and represent database schemas and database constructs, like queries and views, as graphs. Our tool enables the user to create hypothetical evolution events and examine their impact over the overall graph before these are actually enforced on it.

Galaxy: Encouraging data sharing among sources with schema variants

Mork, P; Seligman, L; Morse, M.;Rosenthal, A;
Proc. ICDE Conf. (Demo paper)

This demonstration presents Galaxy, a schema manager that facilitates easy and correct data sharing among autonomous but related, evolving data sources. Galaxy reduces heterogeneity by helping database developers identify, reuse, customize, and advertise related schema components. The central idea is that as schemata are customized, Galaxy maintains a derivation graph, and exploits it for matching, data exchange, discovery, and multidatabase query over the “galaxy” of related data sources.

Characterization of the effects of schema change

Ewald, CA; Orlowska, ME
Information Sciences

Schema evolution occurs frequently in practice. In this paper, we show that the entire schema does not need to be redesigned every time a change is made. We characterize the subschema affected by basic schema operations, which allows us to limit the scope of checking required and have a guarantee of the overall design being correct (safe changes). In addition, we characterize the effects on the actual relations of the addition and removal of constraints. In some cases, relations may have to be added to or removed from the database in order to preserve correctness.

Scalable Architecture and Query Optimization for Transaction-time DBs with Evolving Schemas

Moon, Hyun J.; Curino, Carlo; Zaniolo, Carlo

The problem of archiving and querying the history of a database is made more complex by the fact that, along with the database content, the database schema also evolves with time.

Impact analysis of database schema changes

Maule, Andy; Emmerich, Wolfgang; Rosenblum, David S.
Proc. Int. Conf. Software Engineering

We propose static program analysis techniques for identifying the impact of relational database schema changes upon object-oriented applications. We use dataflow analysis to extract all possible database interactions that an application may make. We then use this information to predict the effects of schema change. We evaluate our approach with a case-study of a commercially available content management system, where we investigated 62 versions of between 70k-127k LoC and a schema size of up to 101 tables and 568 stored procedures.

Automating Database Schema Evolution in Information System Upgrades

Curino, Carlo; Moon, Hyun J.; Zaniolo, Carlo
Hot Topics In Software Upgrade

The complexity, cost, and down-time currently created by the database schema evolution process is the source of incessant problems in the life of information systems and a major stumbling block that prevent graceful upgrades. Furthermore, our studies shows that the serious problems encountered by traditional information systems are now further exacerbated in web information systems and cooperative scientific databases where the frequency of schema changes has increased while tolerance for downtimes has nearly disappeared.

Rule-based Management of Schema Changes at ETL sources

Papastefanatos, G.; Vassiliadis, P.; Simitsis, A.; Sellis, T.; Vassiliou, Y.
Workshop on Managing Evolution of Data Warehouses (MEDWa 2009)

In this paper, we visit the problem of the management of inconsistencies emerging on ETL processes as results of evolution operations occurring at their sources. We abstract Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) activities as queries and sequences of views. ETL activities and its sources are uniformly modeled as a graph that is annotated with rules for the management of evolution events. Given a change at an element of the graph, our framework detects the parts of the graph that are affected by this change and highlights the way they are tuned to respond to it.

Language Extensions for the Automation of Database Schema Evolution

Papastefanatos, G.; Vassiliadis, P.; Simitsis, A.; Aggistalis, K.; Pechlivani, F.; Vassiliou, Y.
ICEIS 2008

The administrators and designers of modern Information Systems face the problem of maintaining their systems in the presence of frequently occurring changes in any counterpart of it. In other words, when a change occurs in any point of the system –e.g., source, schema, view, software construct– they should propagate the change in all the involved parts of the system.

Hecataeus: A What-If Analysis Tool for Database Schema Evolution

Papastefanatos, G.; Anagnostou, F.; Vassiliadis, P.; Vassiliou, Y.
CSMR 2008

Databases are continuously evolving environments, where design constructs are added, removed or updated rather often. Small changes in the database configurations might impact a large number of applications and data stores around the system: queries and data entry forms can be invalidated, application programs might crash. HECATAEUS is a tool, which represents the database schema along with its dependent workload, mainly queries and views, as a uniform directed graph.

Management of the Evolution of Database-Centric Information Systems

Vassiliadis, P.; Papastefanatos, G.; Sellis, T.; Vassiliou, Y.
In International Workshop on Database Preservation (PresDB 07)

Adaptive Query Formulation to Handle Database Evolution

Papastefanatos, G.; Vassiliadis, P.; Vassiliou, Y.
CAiSE Forum 2006

Databases are continuously evolving environments, where design constructs are added, removed or updated rather often. Research has extensively dealt with the problem of database evolution. Nevertheless, problems arise with existing queries and applications, mainly due to the fact that, in most cases, their role as integral parts of the environment is not given the proper attention. Furthermore, the queries are not designed to handle database evolution. In this paper, we introduce a graph-based model that uniformly captures relations, views, constraints and queries.

Hecataeus: A Framework for Representing SQL Constructs as Graphs

Papastefanatos, G.; Kyzirakos, K; Vassiliadis, P.; Vassiliou, Y.
In 10th International Workshop on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design - EMMSAD '05 (in conjunction with CAISE'05)

Traditional modeling techniques typically focus on the static part of databases and ignore their dynamic part (e.g., queries or data-centric workflows). In this paper, we first introduce and sketch a graph-based model that that uniformly captures relations, views, constraints and queries. We then present Hecataeus, a tool for implementing and visualizing the above framework

PRIMA: Archiving and Querying Historical Data with Evolving Schemas

Moon, Hyun J.; Curino, Carlo A.; MyungWon, Ham; Zaniolo, Carlo

Schema evolution poses serious challenges in historical data management. Traditionally the archival data has been (i) either migrated under the current schema version, to ease querying, but compromising archival quality, or (ii) maintained under the original schema version in which they firstly appeared, leading to a perfect archival quality, but to a taxing query interface.

Model-Driven, View-Based Evolution of Relational Databases

Dominguez, Eladio; Lloret, Jorge; Rubio, Angel Luis; Zapata, Maria Antonia
Proceedings of the Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2008), LNCS 5181, pp. 822=836

Among other issues, database evolution includes the necessity of propagating the changes inside and between abstraction levels. There exist several mechanisms in order to carry out propagations from one level to another, that are distinguished on the basis of when and how the changes are performed. The strict mechanism, which implies the immediate realization of modifications, is a time–consuming process. In this paper we propose a solution that is closer to the lazy and logical mechanisms, in which changes are delayed or not finally realized, respectively.

The PRISM Workwench: Database Schema Evolution Without Tears

Curino, Carlo A.; Moon, Hyun J.; Ham, MyungWon; Zaniolo, Carlo
ICDE 2009


Managing the History of Metadata in support for DB Archiving and Schema Evolution

Curino, Carlo A.; Moon, Hyun J.; Zaniolo, Carlo

Modern information systems, and web information systems in particular, are faced with frequent database schema changes, which generate the necessity to manage such evolution and preserve their history.

Information Systems Integration and Evolution: Ontologies at Rescue

Curino, Carlo A.; Tanca, Letizia; Zaniolo, Carlo

The life of a modern Information System is often characterized by (i) a push toward integration with other systems, and (ii) the evolution of its data management core in response to continuously changing application requirements. Most of the current proposals dealing with these issues from a database perspective rely on the formal notions of mapping and query rewriting.

What-If Analysis for Data Warehouse Evolution

Papastefanatos, G.; Vassiliadis, P.; Simitsis, A.; Vassiliou, Y.
DaWaK 2007

In this paper, we deal with the problem of performing what-if analysis for changes that occur in the schema/structure of the data warehouse sources. We abstract software modules, queries, reports and views as (sequences of) queries in SQL enriched with functions. Queries and relations are uniformly modeled as a graph that is annotated with policies for the management of evolution events. Given a change at an element of the graph, our method detects the parts of the graph that are affected by this change and indicates the way they are tuned to respond to it.

Co-transformations in Database Applications Evolution

Cleve, Anthony.; Hainaut, Jean-Luc;
Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4143, 2006

The paper adresses the problem of consistency preservation in data intensive applications evolution. When the database structure evolves, the application programs must be changed to interface with the new schema. The latter modification can prove very complex, error prone and time consuming. We describe a comprehensive transformation/generative approach according to which automated program transformation can be derived from schema transformation.

Co-transformations in Information System Reengineering

Cleve, A.; Henrard, J.; Hainaut, J.-L.
WCRE'04 / ATEM'04, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 137, Is. 3: 5-15

Database reengineering consists of deriving a new database from a legacy database and adapting the software components accordingly. This migration process involves three main steps, namely schema conversion, data conversion and program conversion. This paper explores the feasibility of transforming the application programs through code transformation patterns that are automatically derived from the database transformations. It presents the principles of a new transformational approach coupling database and program transformations and it describes a prototype CASE tool based on this approach.

Database application evolution: a transformational approach

Hick, J.-M.; Hainaut, J.-L.
Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 59, Is. 3: 534-558

While recent data management technologies, such as object oriented techniques, address the problem of database schema evolution, standard information systems currently in use raise challenging evolution problems. This paper examines database evolution from the developer point of view. It shows how requirements changes are propagated to database schemas, to data and to programs through a general strategy. This strategy requires the documentation of database design. When absent, such documentation has to be rebuilt through reverse engineering techniques.

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